比尔·盖茨首部个人回忆录 The origin story of one of the most influential and transformative business leaders and philanthropists of the modern age The business triumphs of Bill Gates are widely known: the twenty-year-old who dropped out of Harvard to start a software company that became an industry giant and changed the way the world works and lives; the billionaire many times over who turned his attention to philanthropic pursuits to address climate change, global health, and U.S. education.
Source Code is not about Microsoft or the Gates Foundation or the future of technology. It’s the human, personal story of how Bill Gates became who he is today: his childhood, his early passions and pursuits. It’s the story of his principled grandmother and ambitious parents, his first deep friendships and the sudden death of his best friend; of his struggles to fit in and his discovery of a world of coding and computers in the dawn of a new era; of embarking in his early teens on a path that took him from midnight escapades at a nearby computer center to his college dorm room, where he sparked a revolution that would change the world.
Bill Gates tells this, his own story, for the first time: wise, warm, revealing, it’s a fascinating portrait of an American life.
比尔·盖茨是当代富有影响力、引领变革的商业领袖和慈善家。这本书讲述的便是他的成长故事。 比尔·盖茨在商业领域创造的辉煌早已广为人知。20岁的他离开哈佛大学,创办了一家日后成为行业巨头的软件公司,改变了整个世界的工作与生活方式。这位亿万富翁随即将注意力转向慈善事业,致力于应对气候变化、全球健康和美国教育领域的重重挑战。 这本书并不是比尔·盖茨对微软公司光辉岁月的追忆,也无关盖茨基金会的诞生或技术的未来。这是一个传递着人性温度的个人故事,你将从中看到比尔·盖茨如何成长为今天的他,了解他在童年及青少年时期的激情与志向。 出现在这个故事中的,有他严于律己的外祖母和胸怀大志的父母,有他最初的深厚友情和挚友的遽然离世,有他试图融入周遭社会的苦苦挣扎,有他在一个新时代即将到来时对代码和计算机世界的奇妙发现,也有他从少年时便开始的对人生之路的探索与追寻。走在这条路上的他,曾经半夜三更溜出家门,跑到附近的计算机中心,后来,在大学宿舍里,他引燃了即将改变世界的科技革命的导火线。 在这本书中,比尔·盖茨第一次以充满智慧和温情的笔触,坦率地将自己的故事和盘托出,将其精彩绝伦的生活淋漓尽致地展现在了读者眼前。